The companies which have signed the registration form for the TC39 Royalty Free Technical Committe (TC) are the following:

  • Adobe*
  • Agoric Systems
  • Alibaba
  • Apollo Graph, Inc. (previously Meteor Development Group)
  • Apple
  • Beijing Bytedance Network Technology Co., Ltd.
  • Bloomberg
  • Bocoup*
  • Coinbase, Inc.
  • Datlas, Inc.
  • Deno Land Inc.
  • Dojo Foundation*
  • Evernote
  • Functional Software, Inc.
  • Google
  • HeroDevs
  • Huawei
  • IBM
  • Igalia, S.L.
  • Imperial College London
  • Indeed, Inc.
  • Indiana University
  • Inria
  • Intel*
  • JetBrains
  • Leiden University*
  • manabo (formerly SATT AI Lab)
  • Meta (formerly Facebook)
  • MetaMask*
  • Microsoft
  • Moddable Tech, Inc.
  • Mozilla Foundation
  • npm, Inc.
  • OpenJS Foundation
  • Oracle America, Inc.
  • Oramasearch Inc.
  • PayPal (ex eBay)*
  • Qihoo (360)
  • Record Replay
  • Rome Tools, Inc.*
  • RunKit, Inc.
  • ServiceNow Inc.
  • Shopify Inc.
  • Sony
  • Stripe, Inc.*
  • Sujitech
  • Tilde Inc.*
  • Tencent*
  • Turing School of Software & Design
  • Twitter*
  • University of Bergen
  • University of Turku
  • Vercel
  • Vrije Universiteit Brussel*
  • Yahoo!*
  • Zalari GmbH

* Not anymore Ecma member