1996 ECMAScript Archives

Ecma General Assembly Documents
ECMA/GA/96/83 | Minutes of the CC meeting, Rome, September 1996 (excerpt) |
ECMA/GA/96/98 | Application Netscape for Associate membership |
ECMA/GA/96/114 | ECMA TC39 i.s.n. draft Scope and Programme of Work |
ECMA/GA/96/130 | Application Microsoft for Ordinary Membership |
ECMA/GA/96/134 | Minutes of the 72nd General Assembly, Nice, December 1996 (excerpt) |
TC39 Documents
ECMA/TC39/96/1 | Invitation and venue for start-up meeting on Javascript |
ECMA/TC39/96/2 | Javascript 1.1 Specification (Netscape) |
ECMA/TC39/96/3 | Press release |
ECMA/TC39/96/4 | Minutes of the 1st meeting of TC39 |
ECMA/TC39/96/5 | The JScript Language Specification, version 0.1 (Microsoft) |
ECMA/TC39/96/6 | Proposed JavaScript Extensions (Borland) |
ECMA/TC39/96/7 | Agenda for the 2nd meeting of TC39 |