2000 ECMAScript Archives
Ecma General Assembly Documents
ECMA/GA/00/122 | Amended Terms of Reference for TC39 |
ECMA/GA/00/150 | Presentation on TC39 Progress for Ecma General Assembly Dec. 14, 2000 |
TC39 Documents
In September 2000, the scope of TC39 was expanded to include development of standards related to other languages in addition to ECMAScript. Some of the following documents related to those languages.
ECMA/TC39/00/1 | Chairman’s Report to the CC |
ECMA/TC39/00/2 | Project Proposal to TC39 for “C#” and Common Language Infrastructure |
ECMA/TC39/00/3 | Notes on the TC39 meeting in Orlando, July 2000 |
ECMA/TC39/00/4 | The C# / CLI Project Description (Tony Goodhew) |
ECMA/TC39/00/5 | Agenda for the 10th meeting, Bristol, September 2000 |
ECMA/TC39/00/6 | Minutes ECMAScript TC39 TG1 meeting, September 2000 |
ECMA/TC39/00/7 | Minutes TC39 10th meeting, Bristol, September 2000 |
ECMA/TC39/00/8 | Results of the fast-track ballot on ISO/IEC 16262, 2nd Edition |
ECMA/TC39/00/9 | Technical presentation on CLI (Mr. Miller) |
ECMA/TC39/00/10 | Technical presentation on C# (Mr. Hejlsberg) |
ECMA/TC39/00/11 | Fujitsu letter of support for TC39 work proposal |
ECMA/TC39/00/12 | Chairman’s Report to the CC |
ECMA/TC39/00/13 | 2nd draft ECMAScript Mobile Profile (Mr. Vartiainen) |
ECMA/TC39/00/14 | Amended Terms of Reference for TC39 |
ECMA/TC39/00/15 | CLI standardization (Jim Miller) |
ECMA/TC39/00/16 | Agenda for the 1st meeting of TC39-TG1 |
ECMA/TC39/00/17 | Minutes of TC39-TG2 1st meeting, Mountain View, November 2000 |
ECMA/TC39/00/18 | Minutes of TC39-TG1 2nd meeting, Cupertino, 4th December 2000 |
TC39 Working Group Documents
Documents recovered from archive.org
mins-20jan00.html | Notes from 2000.01.20 meeting – Dave Raggett0 |
Rome/slide1.html | Notes from WAP Forum meeting in Rome, 2000.02.11 – Dave Raggett |
mins-17feb00.html | Notes from 2000.02.17 meeting – Sam Ruby |
mins-23mar00.html | Notes from 2000.03.23 meeting – Dave Raggett |
mins-03may00.html | Notes from 2000.05.03 meeting – Patrick Beard |
mins-07jun00.html | Notes from 2000.06.07 meeting – Dave Raggett |
summary‑07jun00.html | Summary of ES4 issue status to date – Sam Ruby |
mins-13jul00.html | Notes from 2000.07.13 meeting – Sam Ruby |
mins-27sep00.html | Notes from 2000.09.27 meeting (ECMAScript Working Group) – Dave Raggett |
mins-28sep00.html | Notes from 2000.09.28 meeting (TC39) – Dave Raggett |
TC39-TG1 Documents
In September 2000 all ECMAScript related activities were moved into TC39-TG1.
ECMA/TC39-TG1/00/1 | Agenda for the 1st meeting, Mountain View, November 2000 |
ECMA/TC39-TG1/00/2 | Venue for the 7th meeting, Montreux, May 2001 |
ECMA/TC39-TG1/00/3 | Venue for the 2nd meeting, Cupertino, December 2000 |
ECMA/TC39-TG1/00/4 | 4th draft ECMAScript 3rd Edition: Compact Profile (Mr. Raggett) |
ECMA/TC39-TG1/00/5 | Venue for the 3rd meeting, Redmond, January 2001 |
ECMA/TC39-TG1/00/6 | 5th draft ECMAScript 3rd Edition: Compact Profile (Mr. Raggett) |
ECMA/TC39-TG1/00/7 | Minutes of 2nd meeting, Cupertino, 4th December 2000 |
Other Documents
2000misc‑1.doc | ECMA-262 3rd Edition with January 18, 2000 corrections, submitted to secratariat |
js20-2000-02-16 | Feb. 16, 2000 Netscape JavaScript 2.0 Specification (archive.org) |
js20-2000-05-26 | May 26, 2000 Netscape JavaScript 2.0 Specification (archive.org) |
semantics | July 7, 2000 Waldemar Horwat ECMAScript formal semantics draft (archive.org) |
js20-2000-08-11 | Aug. 11, 2000 Netscape JavaScript 2.0 Specification (archive.org) |
2000misc‑2.html | Note from August 22, 2000 meeting between Waldemar Horwat and Herman Venter regarding 4th edition design issues |
js20-2000-12-02 | Dec. 2, 2000 Netscape JavaScript 2.0 Specification (archive.org) |
es4-2000-12-02 | Dec. 2, 2000 Netscape ECMAScript 4 Proposal (archive.org) |
dollin-principle | A retrospective description of the “Dollin Principle” for type annotations discussed at the March 2000 WG meeting (archive.org) |