2015 ECMAScript Archives
Ecma General Assembly Documents
Ecma/GA/2015/045 | Minutes of the CC meeting, Geneva, April 2015 (Rev. 1 excerpts) |
Ecma/GA/2015/068 | Minutes of the 109th General Assembly, Montreux, June 2015 (Rev. 1 excerpts) |
Ecma/GA/2015/080 | Ecma/GA/2015/080 Application of Airbnb for Associate membership |
Ecma/GA/2015/103 | Minutes of the CC meeting, Geneva, October 2015 (excerpts) |
Ecma/GA/2015/127 | Minutes of the 110th General Assembly, Tokyo, December 2015 (excerpts) |
Press Release | At the June 17, 2015 Ecma General Assembly in Montreux, ECMA-262 6th edition – ECMAScript� 2015 Language Specification and ECMA-402 2nd edition – ECMAScript� 2015 Internationalization API have been adopted |
TC39 Documents
Ecma/TC39/2015/001† | TC39 RF TG form signed by Twitter |
Ecma/TC39/2015/002 | Draft Standard ECMA-262 6th edition, Rev. 30, December 24, 2014 |
Ecma/TC39/2015/003 | Agenda for the 44th meeting of TC39, San Francisco, January 2015 (Rev. 1) |
Ecma/TC39/2015/004 | Draft Standard ECMA-402 2nd edition, Rev. 6, January 12, 2015 |
Ecma/TC39/2015/005 | Minutes of a TC39 ad hoc video call held on 7 January 2015 |
Ecma/TC39/2015/006 | Draft Standard ECMA-262 6th edition, Rev. 31, January 15, 2015 |
Ecma/TC39/2015/007† | Responses to the Ecma Contribution License Agreement (CLA), 26 January 2015 |
Ecma/TC39/2015/008 | Allen Wirfs-Brock’s slides, 27 January 2015 |
Ecma/TC39/2015/009 | Allen Wirfs-Brock’s slides on “Bug 3395”, 28 January 2015 |
Ecma/TC39/2015/010 | Allen Wirfs-Brock’s slides on “ECMA-262 Introduction Text Needed”, 29 January 2015 |
Ecma/TC39/2015/011 | Dave Herman’s slides on “Interfacing with the Loader Spec”, 29 January 2015 |
Ecma/TC39/2015/012 | Andreas Rossberg’s slides on “Experimental New Directions for JavaScript”, 29 January 2015 |
Ecma/TC39/2015/013 | Venue for the 45th meeting of TC39, Paris, March 2015 |
Ecma/TC39/2015/014 | Draft Standard ECMA-262 6th edition, Rev. 32, February 2, 2015 |
Ecma/TC39/2015/015 | Draft Standard ECMA-262 6th edition, Rev. 33, February 12, 2015 |
Ecma/TC39/2015/016 | Draft Standard ECMA-262 6th edition, Rev. 34, February 20, 2015 |
Ecma/TC39/2015/017 | Minutes of the 44th meeting of TC39, San Francisco, January 2015 |
Ecma/TC39/2015/018† | Commission implementing decision of 3 April 2014 |
Ecma/TC39/2015/019 | Draft Standard ECMA-262 6th edition, Rev. 35, March 4, 2015 |
Ecma/TC39/2015/020 | Agenda for the 45th meeting of TC39, Paris, March 2015 (Rev. 1) |
Ecma/TC39/2015/021† | TC39 RF TG form signed by the Dojo Foundation |
Ecma/TC39/2015/022 | Draft Standard ECMA-262 6th edition, Rev. 36, March 17, 2015 |
Ecma/TC39/2015/023† | Responses to the Ecma Contribution License Agreement (CLA), 23 March 2015 |
Ecma/TC39/2015/024 | Draft Standard ECMA-402 2nd edition, 24 March 2015 |
Ecma/TC39/2015/025 | ISO/IEC version of ECMA-404 |
Ecma/TC39/2015/026 | Draft fast-track explanatory report for the ECMA-404 1st Edition submission |
Ecma/TC39/2015/027 | PAS Explanatory Report template |
Ecma/TC39/2015/028 | TC39 chairman’s report to the CC, April 2015 |
Ecma/TC39/2015/029 | Final draft Standard ECMA-402 2nd edition (Rev. 1) |
Ecma/TC39/2015/030 | Final draft Standard ECMA-262 6th edition |
Ecma/TC39/2015/031 | Minutes of the 45th meeting of TC39, Paris, March 2015 |
Ecma/TC39/2015/032 | Venue for the 46th meeting of TC39, Santa Clara, May 2015 (Rev. 1) |
Ecma/TC39/2015/033 | Agenda for the 46th meeting of TC39, Santa Clara, May 2015 (Rev. 2) |
Ecma/TC39/2015/034 | Draft ICT Evaluation Report of IETF protocols for websites |
Ecma/TC39/2015/035 | Minutes of the 46th meeting of TC39, Santa Clara, May 2015 |
Ecma/TC39/2015/036 | Venue for the 47th meeting of TC39, Redmond, July 2015 |
Ecma/TC39/2015/037 | Agenda for the 47th meeting of TC39, Redmond, July 2015 (Rev. 1) |
Ecma/TC39/2015/038† | Responses to the Ecma Contribution License Agreement (CLA), 17 July 2015 |
Ecma/TC39/2015/039 | SC22 Liaison Report from Ecma International |
Ecma/TC39/2015/040 | Minutes of the 47th meeting of TC39, Redmond, July 2015 |
Ecma/TC39/2015/041 | Venue for the 48th meeting of TC39, Portland, September 2015 |
Ecma/TC39/2015/042 | Agenda for the 48th meeting of TC39, Portland, September 2015 (Rev. 1) |
Ecma/TC39/2015/043† | Responses to the Ecma Contribution License Agreement (CLA), 22 September 2015 |
Ecma/TC39/2015/044 | Async Functions Stage 3 Draft / September 28, 2015 |
Ecma/TC39/2015/045 | Minutes of the 48th meeting of TC39, Portland, September 2015 |
Ecma/TC39/2015/046 | Venue for the 49th meeting of TC39, San Jose, November 2015 |
Ecma/TC39/2015/047 | TC39 chairman’s report to the CC, October 2015 |
Ecma/TC39/2015/048 | Agenda for the 49th meeting of TC39, San Jose, November 2015 (Rev. 1) |
Ecma/TC39/2015/049 | Status of ECMAScript fast-track to JTC 1 |
Ecma/TC39/2015/050† | Responses to the Ecma Contribution License Agreement (CLA), 16 November 2015 |
Ecma/TC39/2015/051 | Minutes of the 49th meeting of TC39, San Jose, November 2015 |
†Contact the Ecma Secretariat for access to these documents..
Informal meeting notes by attendees
Technical meeting notes for TC39 meetings from May 2012 onward are at http://tc39.github.com/notes.
2015 January | TC39 meeting, Technical Notes |
2015 March | TC39 meeting, Technical Notes |
2015 May | TC39 meeting, Technical Notes |
2015 July | TC39 meeting, Technical Notes |
2015 September | TC39 meeting, Technical Notes |
2015 November | TC39 meeting, Technical Notes |
Other Documents
Starting in April 9, 2015, TC39 used Github to host development work for post-2015 editions of ECMAScript and related standards. In 2016, wiki.ecmascript.org was decomissioned.
ecma262 readme | TC39 github ecma262 repostory readme as of Dec. 3, 2015 (github.com) |
kangaxES5 | kangax ECMAScript 6 compatibility table as of Dec. 16, 2015 (archive.org) |
es-discuss | es-discuss archives |
Starting in February 2011 bugs and work items for ES5.1, ES-Harmony, test262, and other TC39 projects were mananged using bugzilla at bug.ecmascript.org. That system is no long operational, but an archive of all tracked tickets is accessible at https://tc39.es/archives/bugzilla/
ES-Harmony Related
2015misc1 | ES6 super [[construct]] proposal, Allen Wirfs-Brock, Jan. 2015 |
2015misc2 | @@toStringTag, Jordan Harband, Jan. 2015 |
emarkup | Ecmarkup documentation, Brian Terlson, Jan. 2015 (archive.org) |
2015misc3 | A Declarative Alternative to toMethod, Allen Wirfs-Brock, Feb. 2015 |
2015misc4 | Additional Metaproperties for ES7 (deck), Allen Wirfs-Brock, Feb 2015 |
2015misc5 | Additional Metaproperties proposal, Allen Wirfs-Brock, Feb 2015 |
2015misc6 | ES6 Draft Status, Allen Wirfs-Brock, March 2015 |
2015misc7 | Additional export statements, Lee Byron, March 2015 |
2015misc8 | A Declarative Alternative to toMethod (deck), Allen Wirfs-Brock, March 2015 |
2015misc9 | Object Observe (deck), Erik Arvidsson, Jan. 2015 |
2015misc10 | Object Observe proposal (archive.org), Erik Arvidsson, March 2015 |
2015misc11 | Composition Functions, Jafar Husain, March 2015 |
2015misc12 | Immutable records, vectors, maps, sets, , Sebastian Markbage, March 2015 |
2015misc13 | Private fields, Kevin Smith, March 2015 |
2015misc14 | The Interface, Lee Byron, March 2015 |
2015misc23 | Presentation: Reverse Iterable, Lee Byron, March 2015 |
ES7classprop | ES7 Class Properties, Jeff Morrison, March 2015 (archive.org) |
64-bitMath | 64-bit Math, Brendan Eich, March 2015 (archive.org) |
ops&lits | Operators and Literals, Brendan Eich, May 2015 (slideshare.net) (Internet Archive) |
2015misc15 | Explainer for value objects, Niko Matsakis, May 2015 |
2015misc16 | F.p.toString, Michael Ficarra, May 2015 |
2015misc17 | Async Function Updates, Brian Terlson, July 2015 |
2015misc18 | BindingRestElement binding pattern, Brian Terlson, July 2015 |
2015misc19 | New & GeneratorFunction, Brian Terlson, July 2015 |
2015misc20 | SIMD.js Moving towards Stage 3, Dan Gohman, et al, July 2015 |
2015misc21 | Tooling Updates, Brian Terlson, July 2015 |
2015misc24 | Presentation: Strictness Scoping, Andreas Rossberg, July 2015 |
2015misc25 | Presentation: ES2016 Observable, Jafar Husain, July 2015 |
asyncawait | Async Functions draft spec, Brian Terlson, Sept. 2015 (archive.org) |
2015misc22 | ES6 RegExp Extensibility Design, Allen Wirfs-Brock, Nov. 2015 |
Obj.Observe | Object Observe proposal, Erik Arvidsson, Nov. 2015 (archive.org) |
ES6 changes | Change Log for 2015 ECMA-262, 6th edition drafts, Revs 31-38 (archive.org) |
chg2015‑01‑15 | 2015-01-15 draft Rev-31 ECMA-262, 6th Edition with change markup. |
chg2015‑02‑02 | 2015-02-02 draft Rev-32 ECMA-262, 6th Edition with change markup. |
chg2015‑02‑12 | 2015-02-12 draft Rev-33 ECMA-262, 6th Edition with change markup. |
chg2015‑02‑20 | 2015-02-20 RelCan Rev-34 ECMA-262, 6th Edition with change markup. |
chg2015‑03‑04 | 2015-03-04 RelCan Rev-35 ECMA-262, 6th Edition with change markup. |
chg2015‑03‑17 | 2015-03-17 RelCan Rev-36 ECMA-262, 6th Edition with change markup. |
chg2015‑04‑03 | 2015-04-03 RelCan Rev-37 ECMA-262, 6th Edition with change markup. |
chg2015‑04‑14 | 2015-04-14 Final Draft Rev-38 ECMA-262, 6th Edition with change markup. |
I18N Related
ECMA‑402‑2 changes | Change log for Edition 2 drafts of ECMA-404, I18N API specification (archive.org) |
chg2015‑02‑09 | 2015-02-09 draft ECMA-402, 2nd Edition with change markup. |
chg2015‑02‑17 | 2015-02-17 draft ECMA-402, 2nd Edition with change markup. |