Geneva, 26 February 2014
The Ecma Secretariat has prepared the 2013 download statistics of the Ecma Standards and Technical Reports from the Ecma Public Website. The most frequently downloaded specifications are listed here.
In 2013, 363’730 unique visitors have visited the Ecma International website. They have visited 848’697 pages.
In total in 2013 close to 100’000 Ecma Standards and Technical Report have been downloaded. All of them were according to the Ecma policies free of charge.
The highest download figures have those standards that are web or programming language related. Other more specialized standards are downloaded less frequently. Of course such download “popularity” has not much relation to the quality or usefulness of an Ecma standard, it is just an indicator.
The top download this year – like in earlier years– is ECMA-262, the ECMAScript standard, which counts alone for about half of all downloads (it has been increased, e.g. in 2011 it was about 1/3). The other standards of “ECMAScript family” are also very strong.
Where did the download requests come from?
54% of the visitors came from the USA, followed by 7.23% from China, 3.76% from Japan, 3.46% from UK, 3.44% from France, 3.39% from Russia, 2.74% from Germany, 2.54% from Spain, etc…
For more information: please contact Dr. Istvan Sebestyen, Secretary General of Ecma International. Email: