IMTC presents lifetime achievement award to Ecma Secretary General, Dr. Istvan Sebestyen for contributions to the development of ITU-T and ISO/IEC Open International Standards for image processing (JPEG/MPEG) and multimedia protocols (ITU-T H.32x)
The International Multimedia Telecommunications Consortium (IMTC), which since 1993 has been the world’s leading industry organization promoting and facilitating the development and use of interoperable, real-time, multimedia telecommunication products and services, today announced the presentation of its Lifetime Leadership Award to Dr. Istvan Sebestyen for his contributions to the development of open international multimedia standards.
Dr. Istvan Sebestyen said:
“I am particularly glad to have received this nice award from the International Multimedia Telecommunications Consortium (IMTC) and from its President Anatoli Levine and the IMTC Board of Directors – as it comes from those people who really know the subject about they are giving the awards away. I have been very lucky to have worked at the right time and right place in a very awarding technical standardization area, called multimedia. Nevertheless I always must point out that standardization is a “team” and not an “individual discipline”. So many thanks also to those numerous individuals with whom I had the chance and privilege to work on multimedia standardization matters over the past thirty-two years.
For those few who are interested in some of the details of my multimedia standardization activities (mainly JPEG) here is the link for the YouTube videos of the slides:”
For more information: please contact Dr. Istvan Sebestyen, Secretary General of Ecma International. Email: