This Standard applies to information technology equipment (ITE) as defined in sub-clause 4.9.
Procedures are defined for the measurement of ITE, and limits are specified which are developed for ITE and within the frequency range of 0 Hz to 400 GHz. Testing is not required at frequencies and for phenomena for which no limits are specified. Owing to testing and performance assessment considerations, some tests are specified in defined frequency bands or at selected frequencies. Equipment which fulfills the requirements at these frequencies is deemed to fulfill the requirements in the frequency range 0 Hz to 400 GHz for electromagnetic phenomena.
The objective of this Standard is to establish uniform requirements which will provide an adequate level of intrinsic immunity so that equipment will operate as intended in its environment, to establish methods of testing by reference to applicable basic standards, and to standardize operating procedures, performance criteria and interpretation of test results.
Immunity test requirements for equipment are defined in relation to continuous and transient conducted and radiated disturbances including electrostatic discharges.
For harsh environments, special mitigation measures may be required to ensure satisfactory operation of equipment.