This Standard specifies application protocol data units (APDUs) for the services described in ECMA-269.
Clause 5 to clause 7 inclusive describes the concepts underlying the Remote Operations model, notation and service.
Clause 8 to clause 27 inclusive contains CSTA-specific protocol details and forms the main part of this Standard.
The protocol in this Standard operates in the context of an application association.
This Standard inherits LocationInfo from ECMA-269. Since most of the ASN.1 compilers cannot resolve the type “any”, as used in ECMA-323 for LocationInfo, a distinct implementation from the required RFC 4119 has been made.
Further information on the CSTA topic is also available.
The file “ECMA-285, 4th edition, December 2011,” contains the following files:
- older asn1-source – contains the ASN.1 source files derived from ECMA-285, 4th edition, that can be used with many industry compilers.
- acse_user_info_csta.asn1 – This file specifies the “CSTAFunctionality” parameter type that is defined in ECMA-218 (CSTA Phase II Protocol). It needs be compiled with the above file (see 8.2.2 in ECMA-285).
- rose94.asn1 – This file specifies the Remote Operations ASN.1 definitions. It may be required by come compilers that do not provide the Remote Operations definitions automatically.
- readme.txt – This file contains the above description.
Note: depending upon the compiler used, two duplicate tags can be expected (Reject, ACSEUserInformationForCSTA). These are normal and should not affect the compiled output.
- ECMA-285, 4th edition, December 2011, Download