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ECMAScript® internationalization API specification


To assemble Standard ECMA-402, the ECMAScript® Internationalization API Specification. This Standard defines the application programming interface for ECMAScript® objects that support programs that need to adapt to the linguistic and cultural conventions used by different human languages and countries.

Programme of work:

  1. To identify, develop, and recommend to TC39 additions and modifications to ECMA-402 that are consistent with the direction of ECMA-402 as described below:
    a. To provide a common library that promotes best practices for internationalization.
    b. To standardize internationalization behavior across all ECMAScript® surfaces.
    c. To ensure that the ECMA-402 specification is correct and robust.
  2. To identify, develop, and recommend to TC39 additions and modifications to ECMA-262 that are necessary for promoting best practices for internationalization.
  3. To develop polyfills and test suites that may be used to verify correct implementation of ECMA-402.
  4. To liaise with TC39 on the status of the Task Group’s progress on ongoing proposals and on other recommended modifications to ECMA-402.
  5. To liaise with other standards bodies, including the Unicode Consortium, to ensure that ECMA-402 remains consistent with industry standards for i18n.


Convenor: Shane Carr (Google)
Secretaries: Aki Rose Braun (Ecma International) and Samina Husain (Ecma International)