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Web-interoperable server runtimes


To define, refine, and standardize a “minimum common API” surface, along with a verifiable definition of compliance to that API, that is useful for improving interoperability across multiple ECMAScript environments which expand beyond web browsers, specifically web servers. The minimum common API does not replace or modify existing standards; all development efforts on other standards are carried out within their respective associated standards body.

In addition, TC55 may standardize new APIs that do not overlap with existing web platform APIs, specifically for capabilities that are relevant to server and server-like ECMAScript environments (such as general purpose web servers), such as interactions with host environments, e.g., command-line arguments and environment variables.

To aid in achieving these objectives, TC55 operates under the Royalty-Free Patent Policy. Ecma TC55 may be informally referred to as “WinterTC”.

Programme of work:

  1. Standardize and maintain a minimum common API consisting of a curated collection of web standard interfaces which form a common base to be supported by all “minimum common API compliant” environments, targeted at ECMAScript server runtimes.
  2. Collect and document the requirements of non-web browser minimum common API compliant environments as input/feedback to the development of other standards developed either elsewhere within Ecma Technical Committees or other relevant standards bodies, working groups, and community groups – in particular the W3C and WHATWG. These requirements may be published as Ecma Technical Reports.
  3. Should it become necessary, the committee will develop and standardize new APIs for capabilities relevant to server and server-like runtimes which have requirements beyond the scope of web platform standards and core language capabilities (defined in TC39). TC55 will prioritize working with existing web standards and existing standards Working Groups and Technical Committees over publishing novel standards.
  4. Standardize and maintain conformance levels that group web APIs and novel standards. The first conformance level is the minimum common API. Further conformance levels exceed the minimum common API and may be relevant to servers only.
  5. Produce and maintain a clear and verifiable definition of compliance to every conformance level and novel publication.


Chair: Luca Casonato (Deno Land)
Vice-Chair: Andreu Botella (Igalia)
Secretaries: Aki Rose Braun (Ecma International) and Samina Husain (Ecma International)