TC12 aims to complement the IEC 62368 that IEC/TC 108 elaborated on the basis of the 2nd edition of ECMA-287 “Safety of electronic equipment”.
TR/106 provides a mapping and comparison between the clauses of the traditional IEC 60950-1 and the corresponding clauses, requirements and test methods in the new IEC 62368-1 standard. The tables in this TR identify the corresponding requirements and test methods in IEC 62368-1 for each clause in IEC 60950-1; notable differences between the standards are highlighted to help:
- those familiar with IEC 60950-1 to adopt the Hazard Based Safety principles in equipment design; and
- assess the potential impact of requirements in IEC 62368-1 on existing equipment which has been designed using IEC 60950.
See the illustration of the basic differences between – traditional, product specific safety compliance and Hazard Based Safety Engineering.
See also Presentation of “ECMA-287 – Hazard Based Safety Engineering for ICT & CE products”.